Helping you keep your Smile 4 Life

State of the Art Sterilisation Procedures

Infection Control

At Smiles4milesdental our philosophy of care is to provide safe and quality dental treatment for all of our clients.

Infection control is very important part of our practice to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. These procedures are rigorous and must be strictly followed in our practice.

Some Aspects of our infection control procedures:

If you have any infectious disease that you have had or may have now please speak to one of our Dentist- All medical history information are treated with confidentiality.

Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have about infection control procedures.

  • Hand Hygiene and employing the latest products to keep the practice safe and clean.
  • Discouraging patients from spitting and rinsing in our practice- high suction devices are used to remove saliva and blood from inside patient's mouth.
  • Using "Barrier techniques" like plastic barriers around equipment, Gloves, Masks and eye goggles to protect against the spread of micro-organisms.
  • Single use products discarded after using on a patient (like needles, scalpel, LA cartridges, cotton rolls and paper products)
  • All Multiple Use instruments are washed thoroughly, disinfected and sterilised in a steam autoclave at high temperature 134 degree after each use in order to kill all micro-organisms.
  • Instruments are generally stored in packs or cassettes and kept in clean storage areas.